Hello, Strange Souls

I have started this blog to share some of my poetry and art that I have created about the world around me.  I have always wanted to bare my soul to a complete stranger and let the words come pouring out.  So I wanted to create a safe space for one stranger to view another strangers soul, and thus The Stranger Soul was born.

   A kaleidoscope might appear like an ordinary looking glass but for those who peer inside they see a vivid display of creation.

“You are stronger than you think you are”

To the person who thinks they know you

No, you do not get to say that to me. You do not know me. You do not know how many scars I have on my ankles from my boots digging into my flesh. You do not know about my scar I bear on my thigh that was ripped so deep the doctor could fit his hand inside my leg. You do not know of the burn scar where I dropped a curling iron on my arm. You do not know of the birthmark right above my right breast that I share with my childhood best friend. You do not know that the bruises that cover my legs are usually associated with a night full of syrupy, burning your throat drinks to escape the pain in my own mind. You have no idea about the scars buried in my brain. The mental scar and forever painful memory of when my own father punched me in the face for the first and final time. You do not know how I was in a depression so deep that the though of  ‘going to sleep forever’ gave me relief. You do not understand that I can have a panic attack so debilitating that I will not eat and all I can do is lay in bed and cry. These are my battle wounds. These are my scars. You do not get to tell me “you are stronger than you think you are” because you do not know me. I do not need you to tell me what I already know. I am strong.